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Secure Transaction

Our shopping cart is secured by 256-bit SSL encryption, the same level of encryption used by websites such as PayPal, Amazon, and all the major banks.

When you place your order the encrypted credit card information is sent directly to one of Australia's largest banks for billing. At no point is the data sent to or stored on our server.

As none of your credit card information is stored on our server we cannot see or access your credit card information at any time.

Learn more

Color Black
Manufacturer Better Batt
Yield Approx. 12,000 pages at 5% coverage
Part # DR2325



400 Day Money Back Warranty

Contact Us within 400 days of purchase to arrange a replacement or refund when things don't go as expected. We'll even cover the cost of return postage for you.

Free Delivery for 2 or more items

Order two or more items to qualify for free delivery in the checkout. Offer available Australia wide on all products.

Australian Owned & Operated

We believe in supporting the Australian economy. As an Australian business we will provide a Tax Invoice including GST with every purchase.

100% Customer Satisfaction

Based on our last 100 customer service interactions our live customer satisfaction rating is 100%.
